Dear Anne, did you dream about opening your own store for a long time? I did indeed dream of a store for quite some time. But not a really defined...
WeiterlesenDear Anne, did you dream about opening your own store for a long time? I did indeed dream of a store for quite some time. But not a really defined...
WeiterlesenYou have worked in leading positions at digital agencies. Now you founded your own company. Can you explain to us what „SoulWorx“ does? I see today’s disruptive change and our...
WeiterlesenHalf of my life. Last week I met a new family member – a really nice man full of wise words, humor and really good taste – especially regarding interior...
WeiterlesenMallence Bart Williams is a real globetrotter. The German-Sierra-Leonean author, filmmaker und fashion designer has lived in Paris, Singapore and the UK. Since 2011 she is head of the creative...
WeiterlesenToday we wanna introduce you to a woman, who we find extremly inspiring: calligrapher Natalia aka Milia Ink. How does one become a calligrapher? ... by following your heart and...