Vieri Amore - Wedding Ring Try-On Box

Unsere Ringe ganz einfach online auswählen - zu Hause anprobieren und entscheiden.
VIERI nun auch bei Euch Zuhause! Die Möglichkeit, VIERI-Ringe bequem von zu Hause aus auszuwählen und anzuprobieren, erleichtert die Suche nach dem perfekten Ehering erheblich. Der kostenlose Auswahl- und Beratungsservice bietet zusätzliche Unterstützung, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihr die Ringe findet, der Eure Liebe am besten repräsentiert, und somit Eure einzigartige Verbindung perfekt symbolisiert.
Konfiguriert jetzt Eure Anprobebox und wählt bis zu 3 Varianten pro Ringmodel aus.

We will send you our AMORE wedding ring box exclusively to your home.

Get a wide selection of our ring models Pure, Sharp and Round in silver and in different sizes and widths. An example of all gold alloys and also the surface treatment is also included. So you can choose your perfect rings in the comfort of your own home. If you have any questions, we are of course still available via email or WhatsApp at any time. Would you like a detailed consultation? Then please make an appointment with us using our driekt tool below.

This service is free of charge for you.

If the Amore Box has not been completely returned to us after 5 days, you will automatically receive an invoice with a reminder fee of 1,250.00 euros. Of course, we will remind you again beforehand.

We are happy to be part of your story and thank you for your trust.

We do not only use ethically sound materials, but rather strive primarily to bring about significant change and take action in areas that are of eminent importance.

We use CO2-neutral, ethical gold from our partner C.Hafner . This gold is a 0 emissions product. This means that this product is already neutral on its own balance sheet and does not need to be additionally compensated.

We donate with every piece of jewelry sold to the independent foundation Earthbeat Foundation . In this way, we not only offer our customers the opportunity to become part of the change and support this initiative with every purchase, but we also close a meaningful cycle in which we give back and thus offer opportunities for change.

We are also a proud partner of the World Gold Days .

Your perfect ring

Included are a wide selection of our ring models Pure, Sharp and Round in silver and in different sizes and widths. An example of all gold alloys and also the surface treatment is also included. This means you can choose your perfect rings in the comfort of your own home.

We are here for you

If you have any questions, we are of course still available to you at any time via email or What App. Would you like a detailed consultation? Then please make an appointment with us here.

We are happy to be part of your story and thank you for your trust.

Your Words for Us

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